Tuesday 24 March 2015


Hey there!
How's your beginning of this week? Mine is well... free so far :p I didn't go at the Uni. If I did, I will be still there till 4.30 pm.. I hate Tuesdays.

Two days ago I chopped my hair off :) Finally, I would say, cause I've planned to do this more than year. And I feel sooo much better with my new hairstyle. It's spring, time for some changes, right? I think it's about 15-20cm gone. I'll post some photos one day but not now; I don't have any.

Yesteday I missed an occasion to drive a car alone.. And I regret it till now. But maybe it's good, maybe I'm not ready yet to drive a car without anybody by my side. BUT I think today is my second chance. Maybe.

Change of subject - Have you watched 'Fifty Shades of Grey' movie? I have. I thought it'd be a total catastrophy, but in the end it was quite good. I didn't read the whole book again before watching it and maybe that's why my opinion it's what it is. But after finishing it, I think it's not that good I was thinking before. A lot of details were missed, especially Ana's job - they/she didn't even mention it and we know that her job in the second part of the book is one of the most important parts. I can't wait for the sequel. There's a looot more actions and thrilling episodes than in the first part. We'll see if they do their best job or screw it up.



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