Thursday 19 March 2015

#8 I'M BACK...

.... I guess. I felt that I must write something here. It won't be long cause it's almost 11 pm and after writing this I get down to finish reading a book.

So, in a nutshell, I've got to the University at the English philology. So I find this blog as a little practice.

Additionally, tomorrow will be a partial eclipse! What a lucky coincidence that at this time my two lectures has been cancelled and therefore, I hope, I'll be able to see this occurrence. And finally counting from Monday I'll get enough sleep.. Yeah, I have a tendency of going to bed late at night... or in the morning, it depends how you see it :p

Oh, one more thing - I passed my driving license the second time! It was horrible, actually haha but I finally have it. On Sunday was my first ride with family :D Well, except for my brother who's too scared to be in one car with me as a driver XD

And at the end some photos from my phone. Recently I've discovered that I can change the definition of the pictures.. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, right? XD

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